Osteopathy in Brisbane

The Osteopaths at Vibe Natural Health in Brisbane are passionate about getting you moving better and feeling healthy

Looking for an Experienced Osteopath in Brisbane?

Our experienced Osteopaths use techniques similar to Physio, Chiro and Massage, to ensure that your body moves well and remains free from injury. Osteopaths don’t just treat the site of pain, but take a holistic approach to assess the cause of your imbalance to get you feeling yourself again.
Osteopaths are trained in hands-on techniques suitable for all ages and abilities, from the new born to elderly, recreational to professional athletes, pregnancy and post-natal. Our Osteopaths recognise that our body works as one unit, and understand the important relationship between the body’s structures and how they function together and influence each other. Osteopaths use a variety of techniques to influence the spinal column, joints, muscles, circulatory system, and nervous system.
The Osteopaths at Vibe Natural Health in Brisbane are passionate about getting you moving better and feeling healthy

Looking for an Experienced Osteopath in Brisbane?

Our experienced Osteopaths use techniques similar to Physio, Chiro and Massage, to ensure that your body moves well and remains free from injury. Osteopaths don’t just treat the site of pain, but take a holistic approach to assess the cause of your imbalance to get you feeling yourself again.
Osteopaths are trained in hands-on techniques suitable for all ages and abilities, from the new born to elderly, recreational to professional athletes, pregnancy and post-natal. Our Osteopaths recognise that our body works as one unit, and understand the important relationship between the body’s structures and how they function together and influence each other. Osteopaths use a variety of techniques to influence the spinal column, joints, muscles, circulatory system, and nervous system.

The Osteopaths at Vibe Natural Health may help you with:

  • Back, neck and pelvic pain
  • Joint pain, RSI
  • Bursitis, tendonitis
  • Headaches & migraines
  • Sciatica and nerve pain
  • Postural issues
  • Acute and chronic injuries
  • Pre- and post-surgery management
  • Arthritic pains, from wear and tear, and early onset arthritic conditions
  • Pregnancy related pain
  • Babies & Children – very gentle techniques used

Common Hands-On Techniques

  • Deep and soft tissue massage
  • Joint mobilisation
  • Muscle energy technique
  • Myofascial release
  • Spinal manipulation
  • Visceral mobilisation
  • Exercise prescription
  • Cranial sacral therapy

Don't let pain hold you back

Book Your Osteopathy Appointment

Emma Kopcikas Time Price
Initial Consultation 60 MIN $170
Initial Consultation (Under 10 yrs) 30 MIN $120
Follow Up Consultation 30 MIN $115
Initial Consultation 60 MIN $150
Follow Up Consultation 45 MIN $120

Meet the Osteopaths at Vibe Natural Health Brisbane


Dr Emma Kopcikas

"As I have spent my life surrounded by fitness, I do have a special interest in sporting injuries. From rising stars to weekend warriors, the ability to recover and keep going with your sporting and fitness goals is important to me. I definitely have an interest in treating babies and children. I never get tired of watching how quickly they respond to treatment. I want to do whatever I can to give a child the best possible start to life whether they are new born, on the move or starting big school."


Dr Ethen Kauriers

With a strong desire to get the most out of his body, Ethen begun resistance training and exercise at an early age, leading to a plethora of injuries (acute and chronic). Amidst dealing with these issues and pursuing a profession in the medical field, he came across Osteopathy – a beautiful blend of anatomy, medicine and holistic understanding of rehabilitating the body. With an unconventional history of professional endeavours, Ethen has worked as an Osteopath, Anatomy Educator, Personal trainer, Exercise consultant, Ergonomics consultant, home care therapist and mobile masseuse (to name a few).

Frequently asked questions and answers

Your initial consultation with our Osteopaths will involve discussing the presenting complaint followed by a detailed medical history. After which the practitioner will perform a thorough examination to determine a diagnosis for your condition. Treatment will then be performed. You will receive a hands on treatment and be given proactive recommendations to take home to improve your musculoskeletal health.
We’ll need access to your spine and hips, so please bring comfy clothes, similar to what you’d wear to the gym. Guys wear shorts and a t-shirt. Girls wear gym shorts or tights and sports bra/t-shirt.
Most health funds give rebates for Osteopathy. If you have a chronic health condition, especially a musculoskeletal condition, ask your GP about the Medicare Enhanced Primary Care (EPC) scheme, where you can be eligible to receive medicare rebates for your Osteopathic treatments when referred by your GP.
All Osteopathic practitioners are annually registered by the Osteopathic Board of Australia who manages the competency of Osteopaths in Australia.



Looking for an help with Hormone Imbalance in Brisbane? Is a hormone imbalance affecting your health?

Sciatic Pain Treatment

Sciatic Pain Treatment

learn if your digestion is the cause of your health problems

Lower Back Pain

Lower Back Pain

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Sports Injury Treatment

Sports Injury Treatment

Looking for an help with Hormone Imbalance in Brisbane? Is a hormone imbalance affecting your health?

Pregnancy Pain

Pregnancy Pain

learn if your digestion is the cause of your health problems



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Baby tongue and lip tie

Baby Tongue and Lip tie

Looking for an help with Hormone Imbalance in Brisbane? Is a hormone imbalance affecting your health?

baby colic and reflux

Baby Colic and Reflux

learn if your digestion is the cause of your health problems



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Looking for an help with Hormone Imbalance in Brisbane? Is a hormone imbalance affecting your health?

Sciatic Pain Treatment

Sciatic Pain Treatment

learn if your digestion is the cause of your health problems

Lower Back Pain

Lower Back Pain

consectetur adipiscing elit, sed doeiusmod Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Sports Injury Treatment

Sports Injury Treatment

Looking for an help with Hormone Imbalance in Brisbane? Is a hormone imbalance affecting your health?

Pregnancy Pain

Pregnancy Pain

learn if your digestion is the cause of your health problems



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Baby tongue and lip tie

Baby Tongue and Lip tie

Looking for an help with Hormone Imbalance in Brisbane? Is a hormone imbalance affecting your health?

baby colic and reflux

Baby Colic and Reflux

learn if your digestion is the cause of your health problems



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