Increase Your Fertility

Increase Your Fertility with naturopathy for men & women

Whether you are having IVF or just trying to get healthy before you try for a baby, we offer natural fertility treatment for women & men in Brisbane.

Natural Fertility has become important to many couples as awareness is raised on the importance of good health before we conceive, to ensure the best chance of a healthy baby.

You are about to embark upon the most important journey of your life and improving your health before you fall pregnant makes the journey safer and healthier.

Many women want to improve their health before they fall pregnant, but it is also just as important for men.

Many studies have shown the importance of good nutrition to boost fertility rates, reduce birth defects and improve the DNA which we pass onto our children.

At Vibe Natural Health, we have created a natural fertility clinic with all the allied health providers you will need to help you on your fertility journey. Our Naturopaths, Acupuncturists, Osteopaths, Psychologists, Nutritionists and Massage Therapists are dedicated to providing supportive natural health care. We work alongside many of the IVF clinics in Brisbane to provide you with safe and natural fertility support.

Did you know that new sperm are formed every 90 days? This means that men can improve the quality of the DNA they are passing onto their future children in just 3 months.

Women's Fertility

Taking time to improve your health before you fall pregnant reduces the risks of complications during pregnancy and helps you feel more energised once you fall pregnant.

Our Naturopaths will help you achieve good health before you conceive. Your body is the temple that your baby grows within. Your vitamin and mineral levels before you fall pregnant are extremely important. Once you are pregnant, your baby needs huge amounts of nutrients to grow, which can leave you deficient and feeling drained. If you choose to breastfeed, much of your nutrients go into the breast milk to help baby thrive.

Do you find yourself saying, "I just don’t feel quite right"

IVF and Assisted Fertility

Our Naturopath Elysia has helped many couples conceive both naturally and via IVF. Her success rates in 2013 with couples undergoing infertility treatments have made Vibe Natural Health a popular natural fertility clinic in Brisbane. Elysia will design a fertility treatment plan that is safe and tailored to suit the IVF cycle recommended by your fertility specialist. Elysia has worked with many of the specialists at the fertility clinics in Brisbane and will communicate with your doctor to ensure that you have a team based approach to your fertility treatment. Being empowered and understanding your body is a big part of feeling in control of your fertility. Elysia also works with a Psychologist who specialises in assisting couples deal with the decisions and stress that fertility treatments place on couples.

Elysia is trained in the safe use of herbs, supplements and other natural fertility treatments that will not interfere with your IVF cycle. She has assisted with:

Men's Fertility

As men produce new sperm every 90 days, it is possible to dramatically improve your sperm count and quality of DNA in sperm in just 3 months. Women are born with all of their eggs, so it is a powerful gift that men have to be able to improve their health and contribute super healthy sperm. A healthy diet will improve a couples chances of falling pregnant and provide healthy DNA to pass onto your child.

There are many herbs, dietary and lifestyle factors which increase the chances of boosting your fertility. Our Naturopath and Nutritionist Elysia can recommend the best plan for you.

Zinc is very important for male fertility as it boosts testosterone and sperm production. In your consultation we will test your zinc status with a “zinc taste test.”

What our clients say about our Naturopathic approach to Healthy Pregnancy

I first met with Elysia when planning my pregnancy as I was looking for some advice on ensuring my body had the appropriate vitamin, mineral and herbal supplements to assist in a successful pregnancy. The supplements helped prepare my body for pregnancy and I was able to fall pregnant very quickly. During the pregnancy, Elysia has been very supportive in providing both dietary and supplemental advice to alleviate my pregnancy related symptoms such as nausea, tiredness and digestion. I have even received comments from medical staff expressing the benefits of the supplements I am taking over standard off the shelf varieties. I would recommend the use of a Naturopath, and in particular Elysia, to anyone looking to prepare their body for pre-conception.