Boost your immune system

Boost your immune system naturally with Naturopathic advice and diet

Tired? Run Down? Boost your immune system naturally with herbs & diet to break the cycle of getting sick all the time.
Sick of being sick and tired? Getting sick a lot can lead to you feeling like you’re playing catch up with your life. Catching up on work, lost sleep, missing out on exercise and not eating well because you’re just too tired and sick.
If you find yourself suffering from recurrent illnesses it means your immune system is under stress.
There are many possible reasons why this may be happening.
Working long hours, emotional stress, not eating well, lack of sleep or you may have had a viral infection like glandular fever which lowers your immune system for many months.

Boost your immune system naturally with herbs and good foods

There are many herbs which have been used for thousands of years to boost the immune system. Recent research supports their effectiveness in reducing the severity and occurrence of colds and flus. Herbs such as Astragalus have been shown to improve immune system recovery after chemotherapy treatment.
It is important to receive professional advice on which herbs will best suit your health needs to boost your immune system.
The Naturopaths at Vibe Natural Health in Brisbane specialise in herbal and nutritional advice to boost your immune system. We will take a full health history and help you identify the reasons why you are getting sick and formulate a plan and give you supplements to help you improve your immune system health.
Sometimes the foods you are eating regularly may be adding stress to your digestive system, which contains a large portion of our immune tissue. If you reduce the load on the digestive system, the immune system has time to recover.
We also have many great recipes and food ideas to share with you to ensure you stay feeling well into the future after you have finished your treatment with us. Maintaining good health is our main goal and we will give you ways to achieve this for yourself well into the future.

Do you find yourself saying, "I just don’t feel quite right"