Elysia Humphries Naturopath Brisbane

Elysia believes that education is they key to good health and long term positive change. She will spend time with you, explaining the possible causes behind your symptoms and give you an easy to follow plan to improve your health. Your plan may include: dietary advice and recipes, stress management techniques, pathology testing, herbal medicine and / or nutritional supplements to get your health back on track.

Elysia is a “general practice” naturopath – treating many health conditions, but she has special interest in digestive health, allergy testing, nutrition, hormone health, fertility, sleep and stress management and helping people to boost energy after “burn out.”

Elysia was a massage therapist before she became a Naturopath and learnt the importance of keeping the body flexible and moving well. This is why we have a strong focus on massage therapy at Vibe, as massage helps us to nurture the connection between our bodies and minds.

(Available via Telehealth only)

Elysia has a passion for health care and education. She has 20 years clinical experience working as a Naturopath in Brisbane. She created the Vibe Natural Health clinic with a view to providing clients with results based natural health care, within a friendly and personalised environment. Elysia also runs a creative project "The Doctor and the Naturopath" with Gynaecologist Dr Peta Wright presenting women's health workshops and events, with an aim to empower and educate women.

Her journey towards studying Naturopathy and Nutrition began as a teenager when she had to take months off school due to glandular fever and immune system problems. This came after a period of family stress and this lead her to realise the profound effect that stress can have upon wellbeing. Her family visited both doctors and naturopaths and with a combined treatment plan she recovered her good health and was inspired to study Naturopathy and help others on their journey toward better health.

Elysia is dedicated to health education and has presented health seminars for major corporations such as Telstra, Goodlife Health Clubs, school groups, mothers groups and organisations such as Rotary. She contributes research and case studies for Australian functional pathology laboratories to help other Practitioners understand how to integrate lab results into treatment plans for clients that work and are "thinking outside the clinical box." Her regular attendance at seminars and extra training programs keeps her in touch with the latest evidence based treatments and she is experienced at working in a team environment with GPs, Gynaecologists, Obstetricians, Osteopaths, Psychologists, Physiotherapists and other health care professionals.

Elysia can help you with

Naturopaths, Nutritionists, Chiropractors, Acupuncturists, Massage, Oesteopaths
Parking - Car Park access via Thomas Street - take the second of three driveweays next to Jetts Gym

Elysia Humphries Time Price
Initial Consultation 90 MIN $300
Follow Up Consultation 45 MIN $150
Sleep Consultation 30 MIN $125
Georgia Limmer Time Price
Initial Consultation 60 MIN $200
Follow Up Consultation 30 MIN $100
PRICING Ananda Mahony:

Initial Consultation

60 minutes $200

Follow Up Consultation

60 minutes $200
PRICING Georgia Limmer:

Initial Consultation

60 minutes $200

Follow Up Consultation

60 minutes $200

Our Naturopaths are experienced in working with GP’s and Specialists. Regular health checkups and blood tests from your GP will assist our Naturopaths to understand more about your health. Please bring copies of recent blood tests to your consultation. If you are on prescription medication, there are many dietary and herbal options for you that won’t interfere with these medications. We are experienced with drug/ herb interactions and take care to ensure your herbal medicine is safe and effective and won’t interfere with your prescription medications.

Our practice consists of GPs, Naturopaths, Acupuncturists, Osteopaths, Psychologists, Nutritionists and Massage Therapists. We have patient meetings and meet weekly to educate each other about the latest research and treatment methods in our field, to give you the highest standard of care.

The best way to understand the cause of dysfunction in the body is to take a comprehensive health history. Your Naturopath will spend an hour with you at your first consultation asking questions about all the systems in your body – this gives us the framework to understand which areas of your body are working well and which areas need help.

Your Naturopath will give you an evaluation of your health, a plan for your treatment and then ask you in which order of priority you would like to treat your health issues.

Tests which may be performed during your consultation: (if needed)


Analysis of your eyes, discovering genetic strengths and weaknesses in your organs and body systems.

Zinc status test

Zinc is a mineral essential for health hormone function, metabolism, immune health and the repair of hair, skin and nails.

Lab Testing options:

The following tests can be performed for those who need them. They are sent to accredited pathology laboratories and incur lab test fees.

Food Allergy Testing

Find out which foods are causing irritation to your body with food intolerance testing. A food intolerance is different to an allergy. Food allergies are quick, with obvious reactions such as peanut allergy. Intolerances can irritate the digestive tract and can take a few hours/ days for you to notice the symptoms. This makes them tricky to diagnose, so testing removes the guesswork.

96 Food Test

This test gives you a comprehensive report on your reactions to 96 common foods. Results list if there is no immune reaction or a low, medium or high reaction so you can tell how much the body is affected by each food tested.

Helpful for digestive problems like bloating, constipation, irritable bowel, sinus, hayfever, recurrent colds/ flus, headaches, fluid retention, skin rashes, eczema and general tiredness.

Hormone Testing

Saliva hormone testing is an easy way to test your hormones without blood tests. Hormones tested in the blood are both active hormones ready to be used by your cells and inactive, bound hormones. Blood test readings list active and inactive hormones.

Saliva tests can give you an accurate picture of your active hormones because only the active hormones travel into saliva. So if you’ve been suspecting a hormone imbalance and not felt right about your body then this test may be helpful.

Issues which may be helped by this test: weight gain, infertility, period problems, polycystic ovaries, endometriosis, menopause, hormonal headaches, tiredness, mood swings.

Stress Hormone testing ( adrenal fatigue saliva cortisol test)

Test your cortisol and DHEA levels to measure the effect that stress has taken on your body. Melatonin can also be tested for those with insomnia.